Associate Professor Merrole F. Cole-sinclair

Nominee of the Attorney General
Donor Tissue Bank Committee, Member
Associate Professor Cole-Sinclair completed BSc (Hons) & MBBS degrees at the University of Melbourne in 1981 and then trained at The Royal Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals in clinical and laboratory haematology, gaining her FRACP & FRCPA.

Associate Professor Cole-Sinclair completed BSc (Hons) & MBBS degrees at the University of Melbourne in 1976 and 1981 respectively and then trained at The Royal Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals in clinical and laboratory haematology, gaining her FRACP & FRCPA Fellowships.

She was a Clinical Research Fellow at the Department of Academic Haematology at the Royal Free Hospital, London, 1991-1993 and then spent 15 years at the Alfred Hospital as initially a fulltime staff specialist then Head, Haematology Unit at the Alfred Pathology Service until joining St. Vincent’s Pathology as Head, Laboratory Haematology in 2008. She is an honorary adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne and also in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. Her professional interests include diagnostic and consultative haematology, transfusion practice and research, clinical quality improvement and teaching and training of medical students and advanced trainees in Haematology.

Associate Professor Cole-Sinclair has held the roles of council member of National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Chief Examiner in Haematology (RCPA), Chair of the Haematology Advisory Committee and Board member of the RCPA, Chair of the Joint Specialist Advisory Committee on Haematology (RACP/RCPA) and the Transfusion Outcomes Research Collaborative (Monash University and Lifeblood, Australian Red Cross).