As an institution focussed on forensic medicine, we serve the community and the courts. Our statutory responsibilities are to provide independent forensic medical and scientific expertise to the justice system, tissue for transplantation, and to both teach and undertake research that will benefit the community.

The Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) provides the justice system with crucial evidence that underpins safe convictions and appropriate acquittals. Our doctors, nurses and scientists investigate deaths reported to the Coroner, examine alleged offenders and medically assess and support victims of crime.

The Donor Tissue Bank of Victoria (DTBV) supports patients and their families by providing safe tissues to medical specialists and Victorian hospitals for transplantation and medical research, benefiting many patients every year.

Our medical and scientific staff members undertake research that benefits public health and safety and the just working of our legal system. By contributing to the professional development and education of forensic pathologists, physicians and scientists, we ensure a high standard of forensic medical services for Victoria and provide critical support for our healthcare and justice systems.